sql cheatsheet

--CASTed values
select cast(nummer AS bigint) from p_nummer
    order by cast(nummer AS bigint) asc

update p_nummer set nummer = cast((cast(nummer AS bigint)+10000) as varchar)

select nummer from p_nummer
    where p_id = 20615401
        and nummer LIKE '%Test%'
            order by nummer asc

extract(year FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - extract(year FROM w.datum) <= ?

--exists / not exists
select from where exists
select from where not exists group by having order by
select from where (not exists) group by having order by
select fro mwhere /(exists) group by having order by
select from where (exists) group by habing order by
select from where (exists) group by having order by
--correlated subquery
-- inner query checks existence condition for every row of outer query
select d.* 
    from dept d
        where exists (select * from emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno)
-- gib mir alles aus d, wofür etwas in e existiert
-- oder: ..., wofür nichts in e existiert

--create dummy table
create table dual (
    dummy varchar(1)

insert into dual values ('X')

select * from dual

-- TODO Print error messages on mssql

DECLARE @MaxAmount int = 16;
DECLARE @minAmount int = 1;
Raiserror('Total Amount should be less than %d and Greater than %d',@MaxAmount,@MinAmount)

declare @MaxAmount int, @MinAmount int
select @MaxAmount = 50, @MinAmount = 5
Raiserror('Total Amount should be less than %i and Greater than %i',16,1,@MaxAmount,@MinAmount)


--DECLARE @PromoStartTimestamp DATETIME
DECLARE @PromoStartTimestampString VARCHAR(50)

--SELECT @PromoStartTimestamp = PromoStartTimestamp From @promo
SELECT @PromoStartTimestampString = 'moin'

   RAISERROR(N'Code not valid until %s'


SET @a = 1;
DECLARE @S VARCHAR(100)= 'This is iteration no';
WHILE(@a < 5)
       RAISERROR('%s:%d', 0, 1, @s, @a) WITH NOWAIT;
       SET @a = @a + 1;


-- creating, deleting and updating tables
create table Telefonbuch (
    name varchar(10),
    nummer varchar(50),
    strasse varchar(50),
    hausnr varchar(10)

create table employee (
    empID varchar(10),
    firstname varchar(50),
    lastname varchar(50),
    deptID varchar(10)

select * from employee

create table department (
    deptID varchar(10),
    name varchar(50)

select * from department

insert into employee values
delete from employee where empid = '001'
select * from employee    

delete from employee where empid like '%00%'

insert into department values
select * from department

select * from employee
    natural join department
select * from employee, department

(inner) left right full outer joins:



select * from person_mitarbeiter

alter table person_mitarbeiter
    add column gehalt bigint
update person_mitarbeiter
    set gehalt = 1000 
        where berufsbezeichnung = 'Kundendienst-Monteur'
update person_mitarbeiter
    set gehalt = 2000 
        where berufsbezeichnung = 'Service-Techniker'

update person_mitarbeiter
    set gehalt = 10000 
        where berufsbezeichnung = 'Bauleiter'

select avg(gehalt)
    from person_mitarbeiter
--funktioniert, da über den gesamten table aggregiert wird

select avg(gehalt), berufsbezeichnung
    from person_mitarbeiter
--funktioniert nicht, da keine grouping function für berufsbezeichnung angegeben ist

select avg(gehalt), berufsbezeichnung
    from person_mitarbeiter
        group by berufsbezeichnung
--funktioniert, es werden so viele rows wie es berufsbezeichnungen gibt zurückgegeben

select g.d, p.id
    from group as g
    left join participation as p
        ON p.group_id = g.id and p.user_id = 2
-- in diesem join sind die Felder der gejointen Tabelle (participation) null, wenn die AND-Bedingung am Schluß nicht erfüllt wird.
-- felder von links (table von dem gejoint wird) für die im join-Table nichts gefunden wird werden dennoch zurückgegeben

--textfeld nach regex überprüfen
SELECT field FROM table WHERE textfeld ~ 'REGEX';
-- ~ ist ein posix Operator für 
-- ~    matches case sensitive
-- ~*    matches case insensitive
-- !~    does not match case sensitive
-- !~*    does not match case insensitive

--select statement
SELECT field(s) FROM table WHERE condition
--update statement
UPDATE table SET field = value WHERE condition;
    -- ein Update kann auch mehrere rows auf einmal erwischen, genau wie ein SELECT

-- Aufbau eines loops
for [feld1],[feld2],[feld3] in 
    (SELECT anything FROM table WHERE condition)
    SELECT anything INTO variable FROM table WHERE condition
    IF variable IS NULL THEN
        --do something
    END IF;

-- Aufbau einer Funktion
do $$



JOIN "Verbund"
    Ergebnistabelle, deren Datensätze Attribute beider Tabellen entsprechend einer angegebenen 
    Verbundbedingung enthält.


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCurrentR]
    -- das resultset beinhaltet nun keine zeilennummern
    -- insert into database column VALUES || SELECT
    SELECT o.OrderID ID, [ServiceID]
    -- es war wohl mal üblich Tabellen und Spalten in eckige klammern zu setzen.
    INNER JOIN RepairServices rs ON gs.ServiceID = rs.ServiceID
    -- inner join - schnittmenge zweier mengen.
    INNER JOIN Orders o ON gs.OrderID = o.OrderID
    -- select table1.name, table2.adresse
    -- from table1
    -- inner join table2 on table1.customerID = table2.customerID;
    -- gib mir dies und jenes,
    -- aus tabelle1 und tabelle2,
    -- wo in beiden tabellen id übereinstimmt.
    -- single line comment
    /* multi 
         comment */

print messages to console from a sql function:
    drop table if exists test2;
    create temp table test2 (
      id1  numeric,
      id2  numeric,
      id3  numeric,
      id4  numeric,
      id5  numeric,
      id6  numeric,
      id7  numeric,
      id8  numeric,
      id9  numeric,
      id10 numeric) 
    with (oids = false);

         i int;
    for  i in 1..100000
        insert into test2  values (random(), i * random(), i / random(), i + random(), i * random(), i / random(), i + random(), i * random(), i / random(), i + random());
        raise notice using message = 'moin';
    end loop;
sql datum lesbar machen
TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(processtimeopt / 1000), 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

Vergleich Postgres zu MSSQl:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name AS ....    GO

    IF OBJECT_ID ('view_name ', 'V') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW pds_mwst_typ;
    CREATE VIEW view_name AS .....
    FOR pattern_part IN SELECT part FROM regexp_split_to_table(pattern, E) AS part



        SET @index = 1

    SET @len = LEN(@pattern_part)
    WHILE @index <= @len BEGIN

     SET @pattern_part = SUBSTRING(@pattern, @index, 1)
     SET @index = @index + 1

    FOREACH replaceSubString IN ARRAY divider LOOP

     SELECT replace(query_result, replaceSubString, replaceSubString || special_char_in_value_marking_char) INTO query_result;

        DECLARE @Enumerator TABLE(id NVARCHAR(MAX));

    INSERT INTO @Enumerator SELECT dp_divider FROM @divider;
    WHILE exists(SELECT 1 FROM @Enumerator)
    SELECT TOP 1 @replaceSubString = id FROM @Enumerator;
    SELECT @query_result = replace(@query_result, @replaceSubString, @replaceSubString + @special_char_in_value_marking_char);
    DELETE FROM @Enumerator WHERE id = @replaceSubString;

group by
order by

ein LEFT OUTER JOIN ohne angabe einer Joinbedingung gleicht dem Kreuzprodukt?

select from where group by having order by
select from where group by having order by
select from  whrere group by having order by
select from whrer group by having order by
select from where groupby having order by
sselect from where group by having order by
select from where goup by having order by
select from where group by having order by


-- creating foreign keys

   Inline without mentioning the target column:

   CREATE TABLE tests 
      subject_id SERIAL,
      subject_name text,
      highestStudent_id integer REFERENCES students

   Inline with mentioning the target column:

   CREATE TABLE tests 
      subject_id SERIAL,
      subject_name text,
      highestStudent_id integer REFERENCES students (student_id)

   Out of line inside the create table:

   CREATE TABLE tests 
     subject_id SERIAL,
     subject_name text,
     highestStudent_id integer, 
     constraint fk_tests_students
        foreign key (highestStudent_id) 
        REFERENCES students (student_id)

   As a separate alter table statement:

   CREATE TABLE tests 
     subject_id SERIAL,
     subject_name text,
     highestStudent_id integer

   alter table tests 
       add constraint fk_tests_students
       foreign key (highestStudent_id) 
       REFERENCES students (student_id);

drop table if exists auftrag;
create table auftrag (
    dbid bigint primary key,
    produkt_id bigint references produkt,
    kunde varchar(21),
    auftragsnr bigint
drop table if exists los;
create table los (
    dbid bigint primary key,
    auftrag_id bigint references auftrag,
    losgroesse bigint,
    losname varchar(21)

drop table if exists produkt;
create table produkt(
    dbid bigint primary key,
    technologie_id bigint references technologie,
    produktname varchar(21)

drop table if exists technologie;
create table technologie(
    dbid bigint primary key,
    technologiename varchar(21)

drop table if exists arbeitsplan;
create table arbeitsplan (
    dbid bigint primary key,
    arbeitsplannr bigint

drop table if exists produkt2arbeitsplan;
create table produkt2arbeitsplan (
    dbid bigint primary key,
    produkt_id bigint references produkt,
    arbeitsplan_id bigint references arbeitsplan

drop table if exists arbeitsschritt;
create table arbeitsschritt(
    dbid bigint primary key,
    bearbeitungszeit bigint,
    arbeitsschrittkennung bigint    

drop table if exists maschine;
create table maschine(
    dbid bigint primary key,
    maschinenkennung bigint    

-- show all postgres tables in current database
FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND 
   schemaname != 'information_schema';

select from where group by having order by
select from where grou pby habing order by
select from where group by having having having order by

--ermittle children rekursiv
WITH RECURSIVE somethingDeep(dbid) AS (
        SELECT l.dbid
        FROM some_thing l
        WHERE l.dbid = $1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT l2.dbid
        FROM somethingDeep
            ,some_thing l2
        WHERE l2.parent_id = somethingDeep

FROM somethingDeep;$$
LANGUAGE 'sql';;